Coconut Wax

Coconut wax is a natural and eco-friendly wax made from coconut oil. It is a renewable resource and does not require harmful chemicals for processing. It has a low melting point, which creates a longer burn time and a stronger scent throw for candles. It is also biodegradable and free from harmful toxins, making it a safer alternative to traditional waxes. It is the main raw material of craft candles-making, essential oil, and scented candles.

Test Item



Test Item



acid value, (mg KOH/g)



Lovibond Color



Peroxide Value, mmol/kg



Melting Point, ℃



Moisture and Volatile Matter Content%




100% pure natural coconut oil without any chemicals




The advantages of coconut wax, good sustainability, longer burn time, stronger scent throw, clean burning, versatility, and ease of use. It is a natural and eco-friendly choice that produces high-quality candles and other products.:
  • Sustainable and Renewable: It is made from the meat of coconuts, which is a renewable and sustainable resource. Coconut trees require minimal maintenance and can grow in tropical climates, making it an eco-friendly choice.
  • Longer Burn Time: Low melting point, which results in a slower and longer burn time than traditional waxes. This means that candles made from wax last longer and provide more value for your money.
  • Stronger Scent Throw: It has a stronger scent throw than other waxes, which means that it carries fragrance oils more effectively. This results in a more pleasant and consistent scent throughout the candle’s burn time.
  • Clean Burning: It is a natural and clean-burning wax that produces less soot and smoke than other waxes. This makes it a healthier option for people with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues.
  • Versatile: It can be easily blended with other waxes or additives, making it a highly versatile choice for candle making. It can also be used in various other products, such as cosmetics or soaps.
  • Easy to Work With: It is easy to use and work with, making it a good option for candle makers of all levels. It has a low melting point, which means it melts quickly and evenly.

Coconut wax is a versatile wax that has a wide range of applications, main applications:

  • Candle Making: It is a popular choice for making candles because it has a high melting point, burns cleanly and has a long burn time.
  • Cosmetics: It can be used in cosmetics as an ingredient in moisturizers, lip balms, and other beauty products. It has moisturizing properties and is a natural alternative to chemical-based ingredients.
  • Food: It can be used as a natural alternative to paraffin wax in food processing. It can be used as a coating for fruits and vegetables to prolong their shelf life.
  • Massage Oil: Coconut wax can be used as a base for massage oils as it has a low melting point and is easily absorbed by the skin.
  • Aromatherapy: It can be infused with essential oils and used in aromatherapy as an alternative to synthetic fragrances.

Overall, coconut wax is a versatile and eco-friendly wax that has multiple applications.

There are two packing for wax: bag packing for 10 sheets per bag,50kgs/bag; carton packing for 5 sheets per carton,25kgs/carton. The quality of paraffin is the same in both bags and cartons.

To ensure that coconut wax remains in good condition and retains its quality, it is important to store it properly:

Store in a cool, dry place: It should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Exposure to these elements can cause the wax to melt or degrade in quality.

Avoid moisture: It should be stored in an airtight container to prevent moisture from getting in. If the wax absorbs moisture, it can become soft and sticky, making it difficult to work with.

Use within a reasonable amount of time: organic coconut wax has a shelf life of about one to two years when stored properly. It is important to use the wax within this time frame to ensure that it remains in good condition.

Keep away from strong odors: It is porous and can absorb odors from its surroundings. It is important to keep it away from strong odors so that it doesn’t pick up any unwanted scents.

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