Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Powder

PCE superplasticizer in powder has the advantages of high water reduction rate, good resistance to slump loss, good compatibility and good compatibility. With the characteristics of uniform powder particles, good fluidity and easy dispersion, it is suitable for high strength, high fluidity concrete, self-leveling mortar, grouting and other cement-based powder materials. It can also be used as a dispersant for gypsum-based powder materials, refractory materials and ceramics.

  • High water reduction: This product can reduce the water of concrete by more than 35% and mortar by more than 25%. It also has good resistance to slump loss.
  • Significantly increases the strength of concrete while effectively reducing the occurrence of shrinkage cracks in concrete.
  • Good compatibility: it is compatible with a wide range of active admixtures such as cement, slag and fly ash.
  • Good stability: stable, robust and long shelf life.
  • Safe: non-toxic and non-irritating; non-chlorinated, non-corrosive to reinforcement; ultra-low alkali content, minimising the possibility of alkali aggregate reaction.
  • PCE high efficiency water reducing agent is suitable for long distance concrete pumping.
  • For the formulation of normal concrete, high performance concrete, high strength concrete and ultra-high strength concrete.
  • Formulation of durable concrete with impermeability, high moisture retention and freeze-thaw resistance requirements.
  • It can be used to formulate high flow concrete, self-levelling concrete, clear concrete and non-vibrating self-compacting concrete.
  • Polycarboxylic acid admixtures are also used in the formulation of various types of concrete with high fly ash and mineral powder content.
  • Recommended dosage range of polycarboxylic acid water reducing agent is 0.5%-1.6%, special cement or aggregate can adjust the dosage range appropriately.
  • It can be mixed with measured water and added into the concrete mixer at the same time with water. In order to achieve good water reducing effect, we recommend that the mixing time is at least 150s.
  • When using this product for the first time or changing the cement variety, the necessary trial mix test should be carried out according to the site raw materials and construction conditions, and the mixing quantity and construction ratio should be determined according to the test Ensure the results of concrete quality
  • Because of the high water reduction rate of PCE water reducing agent, its concrete slump is very sensitive to the water consumption, and the water consumption and dosage must be strictly controlled when using.
  • Polycarboxylate powder should not be mixed with naphthalene, melamine, amino and other water reducing agents, otherwise the performance index will be significantly reduced.

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